Zynergia Staffing

Zynergia Staffing is the solution to your business’ staffing needs.


  • Back Office for Staffing Companies
  • Flexible Workforces & Standard Staffing
  • Risk Management and Human Capital Management
  • Executive Search
  • Remote Staffing

Back Office for Staffing Companies

Zynergia can help your staffing company achieve scale, lower costs, increased cash availability, and the ability to enter States that previously would not be accessible to you. As a fully functional PEO, Zynergia already has the back office well in hand. We administer payroll, workers’ compensation, benefits, human resource requirements at a volume and efficiency that small to medium staffing companies can rarely achieve. We also leverage our economies of scale, efficiencies and volume to reduce your costs (even on an outsourced basis to us). We also offer payment terms that will effectively increase your cash flow. In addition, because of risk management mitigation efforts, the size of our risk pool and insurance design, we can effectively limit the impact of adverse large claim impacts and experience modification rate negative trends.

As your back office, we can white label our services and offerings, effectively becoming unseen to your clients, leaving you with the total focus upon the business of recruiting, sourcing and placing in the front office.

Flexible Workforces & Standard Staffing

A flexible workforce varies in size to meet the client’s current or near-term demand of production or services provision. The capacity to enlarge or reduce the number of required employees is often critical to a business’s ability to meet the targeted profit level or leverage the interim opportunity. The ability to attract and place the talent needed in a short timeframe may be beyond the resources of most businesses; However, Zynergia specializes in this space. Other significant benefits beyond meeting the workforce demand are: lowering payroll and additional employee-related costs in the segregated population of employees, the “filtering” effect of the workforce pool (the aspect of selecting talent from a pool of available workers whose skill sets match those required for a given project). In addition, we can also assist in the placement of higher-skill-level personnel to capitalize on shorter bursts of progress.

As a Staffing company, our function is to provide contingent workforces and mitigate the associated liabilities that may inhibit standard employer’s ability to rotate and size their work population as needed.

Risk Management and Human Capital Management

Zynergia excels in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), Human Capital Management (HCM), workers’ compensation, safety management and organizational development. Zynergia enhances enterprise value by addressing corporate infrastructure issues to drive down costs, improve return on assets, manage risks and develop processes to create best practices in Risk, HR and Administration functions.

  • Strategic Planning
  • Claims Management
  • Workforce Operational Quality Assurance and Scalability
  • Human Resources
  • Human Capital Management
  • Interim Risk and Human Resources Management & Mentoring

Strategic Planning

We offer a broad range of strategic planning in the ERM and HCM areas to include preparation of your risk program for a due diligence process associated with acquisition, insurance coverage redesign, utilization of outsourcing (risk transfer), correction of collateral burden and misaligned or poor performing current TPA providers as well as underperforming internal claims, risk, and loss control functions. We will conduct a survey based on our client’s areas of interest and utilize advanced analytics to identified external threats and competitive opportunities. To arrive at our client’s desired outcome, specific strategies will be discussed and vetted during the review process. A strategic plan will be developed and implemented based on the client’s desired schedule of completion.

Claims Management

Zynergia, from the perspective of the insured, will design and implement claim corrective actions to dramatically reduce the workers’ compensation, legal and EPLI claims experience of our clients to achieve significant total incurred savings. We will design and implement a correction plan to include the client’s internal personnel skill level improvement, sourcing of appropriate required additional personnel if needed, and the utilization of advanced analytics to identify the highest yield and impact areas to achieve the fastest turnaround.

Workforce Operational Quality Assurance and Scalability

Zynergia will design and implement metrics, processes, and operating procedures to maximize human capital operational output by assessing our client’s current internal efficiencies. The client’s future growth and scalability desire, service offerings, market placement and profitability will influence Zynergia’s strategy to achieve the goals through a well-designed project plan.

Human Resources

Zynergia can design and implement executive-level assessment tools to gauge skill levels and scalability of departments, teams, and individuals. Skill level assessments, growth potential evaluations, creation and implementation of performance and training programs can also be developed to effectively develop the client’s personnel to higher skill and leadership levels. Succession planning is a natural outcome of these activities.

Human Capital Management

Zynergia can design and implement systematic evaluation processes to facilitate a scalable staffing model with the identification of skill level deficits within functional areas and the corrective actions required to bolster the various areas, including succession planning, management upgrades, personnel replacements, and other cultural changes to achieve the companies’ desired results.

Interim Risk and Human Resources Management & Mentoring

We can assist in the interim management of organizations, departments, and functions while our clients are sourcing a permanent placement or implementing a more permanent arrangement. We have vast experience in this service, particularly while implementing turnaround activities. An alternative option would be to rely upon Interim Risk to assist in more advanced activities the client requires while offering mentoring to the internal personnel currently in place.

Executive Search

Zynergia can leverage its wide range of industry contacts and our detailed, specific knowledge of the specialty areas you are focused upon. Unlike other executive search firms, we will focus on your search, including managers through C—Level executives as needed. Zynergia will assist in the hiring process, conducting detailed interviews and presenting candidates to clients selectively.

We offer two search formats:

  1. Retained Search
  2. Contingent Search

Retained Search

Under this format, we offer our services under a retainer. Search fees are typically a percentage of the annual compensation of the recruited executive. Our fee payments may be made in thirds, 1/3 of the fee paid on initiation of the search, 1/3 paid thirty days later, and the final 1/3 paid thirty days later or upon placement of the candidate. Alternatively, a fixed fee may be established. Zynergia will provide a guarantee if the hired candidate leaves before a stated milestone (provided there has not been a material change in the position requirements or management team). We offer discretion and confidentiality related to sensitive searches in this category.

Contingent Search

Contingent search implies remuneration upon the successful completion of the search. Accordingly, Zynergia typically charges a fixed percentage of the candidates’ annual wages.

Remote Staffing

Remote staffing teams or employees offer costs savings while producing quality work. The remote staffing model integrates the contingent worker into your existing internal team within the current culture and work process context. It also allows you to define the additional fixed or flexible hours required to augment your internal team’s production demands. This model also offers easy scalability on an as-needed basis.

Industry Experience

  • Automotive
  • Healthcare & Healthcare Staffing
  • Professional Services
  • Hospitality and Hospitality Staffing
  • Light Assembly


Zynergia Staffing has supported the efforts of major automotive manufacturers through advanced workforce management, including but not limited to: utilization of staffing augmented contingent workforces to allow rapid expansion of manufacturing personnel during ramped up production periods, the introduction of future automotive direct employees via a one to two year period served in a segregated population of employees, the measuring of the segregated population through extensive KPIs as designed to identify the optimum performing employees and their associated efficiencies, etc.

Healthcare & Healthcare Staffing

Since our background of affiliated companies is healthcare consultive and healthcare-related business services, Zynergia Staffing has a unique and deep understanding of Healthcare Staffing and Recruiting. Therefore, the sourcing, recruiting, supplying and placement of healthcare personnel (technical, MD, RN, etc.) is our nature.

Professional Services

Professional service groups generally strive to be the best at their craft and trade. We assist these endeavors by managing the employment practices, back office, and human resource management items (Human Capital), allowing them to concentrate on their firm fully. In addition, professional firms generally require high levels of health benefits, 401k, deferred compensation plan management and other employee-centric services to attract and retain their talent. Zynergia Staffing can craft and deliver on these plans and assist in the Human Capital Management consultive activities, which will help the firms develop attractive compensation plans, succession plans, advancement and training programs, etc.

Hospitality and Hospitality Staffing

Zynergia Staffing has unique insights into the Hospitality and Hospitality Staffing industries. As a result, we can be a very valuable partner in the sourcing, recruitment, placement of hospitality personnel and help create very manageable workforce arrangements (staffing, segregated departments, etc.).

Light Assembly

We are experts in Light Industrial, and Blue-collar Industries are well known to our company. We have vast experience in controlling, analyzing, and managing the risk issues arising from these sectors. Insurance and claim experience difficulties, OSHA and compliance matters reducing collateral legacy development, all are second nature to us. We can help by utilizing our unique insights and sophisticated hands-on knowledge.  We’ve done it and done it correctly!

Employee & Employer Portal (iSolve)

Separate portals for both employees and employers are available.  (Communication piece, CRM Log-in)

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